Three-minute read. Or less.
Welcome to week twenty-seven of Three Wins in this format, where I walk you through my process of launching an online course in 2024.
Even if you are not launching an online course, this will help you think about whatever you will launch.
No trips to London this week.
No Makers + Maverick.
Only a trip to Cardiff to help celebrate a friend with his ten years of disrupting the legal system. It was super nice to be asked to be a part of their night.
I normally reserve a tear for lawyers when I get their bill, but Michael had spoken at the Do Lectures and he had told us all what he was going to do.
And he only went and did it.
Very proud of him.
- Time. 🕰️
This week, I have been working my way through the workbook.
Tomorrow morning, touch wood, I should see the first draft done.
Then, the designer can do his stuff.
And I can begin making the keynotes for the filming.
This is the final leg.
The thing I want to share about the process is how important it has been is to work in hourly chunks. Three hours a day. Mostly, I finish my work by midday.
I don’t see myself ever working any other way.
A 3-hour brain doesn’t need a 8-hour workday.
A win.
(Good read from Oliver Burkeman on the three or four-hour rule. I installed a new chrome extension called ‘PushtoKindle’ so I read this on the iPad as it worked really well.)

- Money. 💰
I was listening to a podcast with James Clear, who wrote ‘Atomic Habits.’
He was asked if he had other titles for the book.
He said his initial brainstorm came up with 400 titles. Then he whittled it down to 200. Then 20. Then less than 10.
He then paid for AdWords to test the different alternatives. When you think how important the book title is to a books success, this seems a sensible approach.
But I bet it is not a commonplace approach.
Money well spent, me thinks.
A win.
- Mojo. 🙏
On Saturday, Paul took time out of his day to help set up the camera angles and make sure I get the filming and the backgrounds just right for the course. He offered to help without me asking. That’s was nice.
That morning a book arrived from David Allen who spoke at The Do Lectures. He even signed it. Nice.
His new book is all about Team - getting things done with others. As much I am doing lots of work in the shed on my own, I still need a team to help me.
The fun of doing something, of trying to do your best work, to make your launch successful, it has more meaning when you are part of a team.
The team may be virtual, the team may only come together for projects, but the culture you create can be where the energy is brill.
A win.

As always, I hope this was useful in some way.
Talk next weekend.
Have a good week.
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