Three-minute read. Or less.
Welcome to week twenty-one of Three Wins, where I walk you through my process of launching an online course in 2024.
Even if you are not launching an online course, this will help you think about whatever you may launch one day.
This week, my focus switched back to launching the Micro Blogs Online course.
Anyway, shall we?
- Some people care more than others,
At Mike’s Manifesto workshop on Friday, he created a workbook.
It was amazing. But when he got an advance copy, he thought it could be a bit sturdier. No one would have noticed, but he did.
So he bought 100 extra-thick A4-sized cards. He stamped each one with a Do Lectures logo. He then carried them in a North Face extra-strong hold-all from Cornwall up to the London venue. Then, on the morning of the workshop, we quickly put the card in each workbook. When they were handed out, everyone accepted that the card was always planned.
In life, in business, and in friendships, you want to be surrounded by those who care.
That energy is what you want to be real close up to.
Thank you, Mike.
A win.
- The writing shed. 2.0.
This morning, I started painting the shed. I am getting it ready for the filming of Micro Blogs.
I have spent months researching the angles. The colours. The standing desk.
(I learned it from the Dream Studio course.)
I could have had someone paint it for me, but I wanted to do the work and get a feel for it.
I listened to podcasts. I painted. I had fun.
A win.

- Everything helps everything.
On Thursday, I launch a short new course - ChatGPT PRO.
Which is why I spent Sunday painting.
But that will help me set up the Writing Shed for Micro Blogs. It also gave me a short deadline, which is fuel for getting it done.
The Custom Bot I will be showing everyone how to build will become part of the Micro Blog offering.
Even Mike’s course has helped me to set a challenge to pen a manifesto that gets them to write everyday.
A win.
As always, I hope this was useful in some way.
Talk next weekend.
Have a good week.