Three-minute read. Or less.
Welcome to week twelve of Three Wins in this format, where I walk you through my process of launching an online course in 2024.
Even if you are not launching an online course, this will help you think about whatever you will launch.
Last week was a week of more Beta tests.
More learning.
It’s fun to be able to get feedback, tweak something, and test it out quick.
Micro Blog Beta has taken on a life of its own.
Meeting the community is special.
- The stories.
- The energy.
- It’s just the best.
All the workshops have been sold out.
Saturday was a day of travelling back. Sunday was for recharging. Hence, Three Wins on a rare Monday.
1. The power of the 30-day writing challenge.
The problem with ‘In Real Life’ workshops is people go home afterwards. The energy in the room is so special you just want to bottle it.
The spirit MUST be kept going, somehow.
The best way I have found is to set a writing challenge. I used to set a 100-day challenge, but it proved too hard for some. So I made it 3X easier.
The challenge is powerful because it keeps everyone together for longer.
- They are on the hook.
- They don’t want to be the one who bails.
- They are accountable.
But suddenly, everyone has 100 people cheering them on from the sidelines.
What starts as a challenge prolongs the community. The longer they are together, the better the chance they will stay in contact with each other.
The challenge helps friendships form.
Everyone is there trying to lift each other up. Sure, the achievement is good at the end. But it is the getting to the destination together that forms the bond.
A win.
2. I am bad at this. And I need to get better.
The Micro Blog System is all about getting people to write every day.
That is important. And, if you can combine that with getting better each day, you become unstoppable.
But, with LinkedIn in mind, making meaningful comments does matter.
I am bad at this because I am focused elsewhere.
If you post once a day, you are getting people’s attention once a day.
If you make ten meaningful comments, then you will be seen ten times a day.
That got my attention.
Once I finish the book, once the Beta tests have finished, and once the filming and editing are all done, my focus will turn to doing this much better than ‘Hey, great post.’
- This builds the community.
- You show you care.
- You learn what the barriers are.
A win.

3. The importance of language.
I talk about the power of language in Micro Blog System.
I talk about why Starbucks wouldn’t let you ask for a small, medium, or large coffee.
It was them using languaging to occupy a different place in your head.
It may sound odd, and that is the point.
Odd is specifically what the brain pays attention to.
When I spoke about the layout of Micro Blogs, I called it ‘Packaging’.
In the comments, someone said from Friday's Beta Workshop that one phrase changed everything for him.
Language is powerful.
A win.

As always, I hope this was useful in some way.
Talk next weekend.
Have a good week.
If you are interested in joining the Beta Micro Blog System, find out more here.
If you missed last week's Three Wins, here it is.