Welcome to crazy.

You signed up.

And then nothing.

Then, more nothing.

Wait, is this...it?

This may be the only newsletter that has complaints about not having enough emails.

Unusual problem.

You are probably wondering why so?

But first, we are now 214 of us.

That is more than enough.

For the next year, I will not tell anyone I even have a newsletter.

I will ask the Do Team to take the link down.

But why?

I want to learn how to help you first.

I need to find out what questions you have so that I can try and see if I can help with them.

The next 8 weeks are a little crazy here.

(I can tell things are about to get a little busy; I just tidied up the shed.)

Today I start filming for 'The Secrets of Small Magical Events.'

Taking the 14 years of learning from running The Do Lectures and turning that into an online course. (I have written the equivalent of 3 books in putting down the learning onto paper, so to speak.)

Then, I am running Lazy Discipline Pro in London in March.

That is a ton of research, but will be worth it.

Then, things return to normal.

That is when I shall begin to be more useful to you.

In the meantime, shoot me some questions that you have had for a while.

This is a small gathering to help each other.

Best from a tidy shed,


P.S. May the wind be on your back.