A subtle framework for saying no.

Ever got to the end of the week and said this?

Where did the week go?

Head nod?

Read on.

As founders, we spread ourselves too thin.

We are hard-wired to be unrealistic with time.

It’s a strength/weakness.

All rolled into one.

Which, as you know…makes life interesting.


What if…

You have enough time.

It’s just…

You don’t protect your time enough.

In subtle but important areas.

For sure…

We know our ‘HELL YEAHS.’

And our  ‘HELL NO’S.’

That is NOT the problem.

Time is not lost there.

We get time-sucked with the ‘IN-BETWEEN.’

Neither important NOR unimportant.

Nice to do but NOT essential to do.

You know…

The Maybes.

Could Dos.

Should Dos.

Once you know the problem is ACTUALLY THIS…

You suddenly have a new framework for your time.

You can stop them from SNEAKING into your diary.

And stealing your time.

‘Keep the main thing, the main thing.” Michael Acton Smith - at the Do Lectures.
