If you earn with your mind, switch off with manual work.

We spend most of our day in front of a screen.

Then we go home and try and relax in front of another screen.

Except, we don’t try and relax.

We go in search of finding an EDGE.

We are consumed with finding new knowledge.

It is the new competitive sport.

We buy more books than we can ever read.

We listen to podcast after podcast.

Anything we can’t find the time to devour, we press read later.

Then feel guilty for not reading it.

La La La…

We are drowning in knowledge.

Yet, what our minds need is to switch off.

I live on what was a hard-working old farm.

Thankfully, there is still plenty to do.

Today, I dug a path.

Filled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow.

I huffed.

I puffed.

But I did it.

And do you know what?

I thought about NOTHING.

Hard work puts your mind into neutral.

That is important.

It lets all that knowledge settle.

Like muddied water suddenly becoming clear.

Ideas need that.

“Clear thinker” is better compliment than “smart.” Naval.