An acorn visits a growth hacker...

It went in search of a quick win.

Like everyone does.

At the end of the initial consultation, the growth hacker told the acorn to arrange another session.

In 80 years time.

The acorn was furious:

‘How dare you tell me the truth?’

We are all hard-wired to chase the shortcut.

We love a tactic.

We love a growth hack.

We love a golden tip.

We try them all.

Some successful.

Most not.


But on the other side of trying these growth hacks is a real truth.

We learn there are no shortcuts.

Instead, there are only timeless truths.

There are daily practices that lead to the results you truly want.

Every day is a choice between timeframes.

Short term.

Or long term.

Everybody wants to be rich.

But no one wants to save.

Everyone wants to get fit.

But no one wants to go to the gym.

More, Hmmm.

It comes down to this.

Are you willing to sacrifice today for what you most

want tomorrow?

Even more, Hmmm.

The truth is most people aren’t.

The real problem with quick wins is people keep chasing them.

All their energy goes on chasing rainbows.

And they never find gold.