Rules to defeat your impatience.

You don’t judge the acorn in the first week, month, year, or decade. The biggest gift you can give your idea is patience.

Impatience is your enemy. Defeat is mostly an inside job. Hmmm.

So you will need to learn how to defeat it.

Everything you want to achieve is on the other side of patience.

  1. You must be convicted. Or you can be swayed. You get convicted through belief. Belief comes from knowledge. Knowledge is your edge.
  2. Understand your thesis for your beliefs. It must be strong enough to hold you steady when fear, uncertainty and doubt come. They will come. They will wait till your conviction is at its weakest.
  3. Research is not a one-time event. Finding information that the crowd does not have is a daily quest. Your research habit builds conviction. Conviction defeats impatience.
  4. Deeply understand the opportunity. How big is the change you are going to make in this world? Your imagination builds conviction.
  5. Surround yourself with those who are equally convicted. Optimism needs company.
  6. Have a timeline of 3650 days. A decade. Rarely is anything of significance built in less than that.
  7. Have TRUTH rules. What has to happen for you to lose conviction? These are fundamentals. If this changes, everything changes.
  8. Patience needs to beat impatience. It won’t be easy. It will be worth it. It will be a daily fight. 98% convicted is no good. That means when you are tested you will fold.
  9. Above all else, keep going. Even when you don’t feel like it. That is conviction. 100%.