Community 3.0.

The blockchain will help community thrive.

Useful to know.

They are called DAOs.

That stands for Decentralised Autonomous Organisations.

In essence, people come together and form communities and tokenise them.

Think about it this way.

It’s like a new form of a limited company, of sorts.

Not quite, but kinda.

Think about it this way:

‘It’s an internet community with a shared passion. Plus, a shared bank account. The community decides.'

Think about it this way:

You come together, build together, and decide together toward a common goal. And align incentives to funnel creative energy.

Still not clear?

An example.

PleasrDao secretly bought the sole existing copy of the album ‘Once upon a time in Shaolin’ by Wu-Tang Clan for $4milion.

The community came together over a common goal, and together, they voted on what to spend the treasury on.

Another example.

Friends With Benefits (FWB) is a cultural membership powered by a community of Web 3.0 artists. Think Soho house on the blockchain. Kinda.

It is a movement for creators.

Another example.

The Krause House Flightpaper. This DAO has been formed to empower fans to purchase and operate an NBA team.

Remember, common goal, shared passion, and, importantly, shared bank account. And you all get to vote on how to spend it.

If you want to get to the future before the crowd, learn more about DAO’s.

Want to build your DAO NAO?

This site has built open-source infrastructure code to make it simpler for you to build the organisation of the future.

Mind blown.