Three Wins.

Three-minute read. Or less.

Welcome to week fifteen of Three Wins in this format, where I walk you through my process of launching an online course in 2024.

This week I get back to talking about learnings from launching an online course.

Even if you are not launching a course or product, this will help you frame things in business and life.

Today has been a day or recharge. A run. A sauna. A plunge pool.

And now, a glass of wine and a chance to write this.

  1. The community is everything.

On Friday, I did the 4th Beta test for Micro Blog Systems. It was another full house. 

Over time, I have tweaked and changed hundreds of slides. I have learned to show less slides. And as one attendee told me on Friday, there is still too much information. That is the easy thing to fix.

The hard thing to fix is the buzz in the room of everybody talking to each other.

The noise is the success. 

The challenge with an online course is how the hell to create that.

For me, for an online course to be successful, it must create community.

It MUST get people to talk to each other. Therefore, there must be a live aspect. That can be as simple as a live Q+A or even a WhatsApp group. Neither of those are perfect, but they are essential. 

The Beta test reinforced this.

A win.

  1. I am embarrassed by what I would have launched.

This week, I went really deep on understanding why LinkedIn is the place to write.

 - Their business model.

 - Why only 1% post.

 - Why comments turbo charge your community’s attention.

As I stood in front of people on Friday’s workshop, I could clearly explain why they could invest time on LinkedIn and why if they can play the long game, they will succeed.

If I think back to what I started with and where I ended up, the Beta has made it clearer, more useful, and much more valuable.

A win. 

  1. Keep your promises.

After a workshop, I am tired.

An entire day of talking. Trying to remember everything. Plus answer all the questions.


But on Saturday morning I found myself in Oxfordshire.

I am being shown around an old house that could be a venue for an event.

By coincidence, the person who was showing us around had done one of my workshops. Small world.

Then, once that is done, I go for a coffee with the lady I had made the promise to.

She is amazing. A neuroscientist. We talk about writing and words and attention.

She tells me about this book: The Brilliance Breakthrough.

It is all about there being two kinds of words.

 - Picture words.

 - Connecting words.

You can buy it on Amazon for £2,490.

As luck would have it, I know the publisher.

I got a copy for £260.

A win.

As always, hope this was useful

Talk next weekend.

Have a good week.


We have started building a landing page for the wait list for the Micro Blog course. Notice what it looks like now. And how it’ll change over the next couple of weeks.