Three Wins.

Three-minute read. Or less.

Welcome to week fourteen of Three Wins in this format, where I walk you through my process of launching an online course in 2024.


This week’s will be a little different as I have been snowboarding, so I haven’t been pushing the course forward, just trying to get down a mountain in one piece.

Time off is a time to switch off.

Snowboarding is very good at getting you to stop thinking about everything.

What I was thinking about in my quiet moments was the football team I support.

So, as a one-off, Three Wins will look at life through the lens of the team I support.

Even if you are not a fan of any sports team, this will help you frame things.

This Friday is the third Micro Blog Beta test.

Next week I will share my learning from it.

  1. When to walk away?

Jurgen Klopp announced he would be leaving Liverpool FC at the end of the season. No one wants him to leave. He doesn’t want to leave. He has to. He is tired. And he needs a rest. He is looking after himself. His health. His mental health. His energy. 

The most human of football managers is telling the world that he is leaving for the most human of reasons.

He wants to do normal things. To stop and enjoy life. He admits, he may be doing it too early, but it is better than too late.

As much as I want him to stay, I also want him to leave so he can pause, reflect and enjoy life.

I respect him for that.

A win. 

  1. When the team loves you.

After he announced his impending departure, I watched them play last week. I have never seen them play that good. The team were the closest I have ever seen them. They knew why they wanted to win.

He is loved because he shows them how much he cares about the team. During the game, they showed him how much they cared about him. The opposing team didn’t stand a chance.

We won 4-1. It could have been much more. Our striker set a new record for the number of times one player hit the post during one match: 4.

A win. 

  1. Tears of happiness. Tears of sadness.

During that game, a young player made his first full debut: Connor Bradley. Just 20 years old.

He scored and helped another player score. He was the man of the match. In the interview after the game, he was just so happy. He said it was like living in a dream. 

Yesterday, I heard on the radio that his dad had died.

The only thing I could think of was that at least his dad would have seen him play that game. And seen his son score. And be lauded as a one-in-a-generation-talent.

A win of sorts.

As always, hope this was useful

Talk next weekend.

Have a good week.


We have started building a landing page for the wait list for the Micro Blog course. Notice what it looks like now. And how it’ll change over the next couple of weeks.