The fear of average.

Average goes by many names:

1. It will do.

2. Don’t worry, they won¹t notice.

3. It’s good enough.

4. It’s how we always do it.

5. And the catch-all - OK.

No matter what people call it, know this: Average is a decision not to be good.

And someone had to make that decision.

There is no board meeting.

No one votes for it.

No all staff memo.


Here’s why I think that:

Because a decision isn’t always what you say yes to, but what you say silently no to.

When you decide to stop innovating, that is a decision.

When you allow a poor culture, that is a decision.

When you stop trying to be great, that is a decision.


In some respects, being average is easier.

No one will hate on you.

You don’t have to push yourself.

Comfort zones rarely work late.

But when you think about it, at a certain point, a human has to say to themselves, I AM NO LONGER GOING TO TRY.

I am OK with not reaching my true potential.

I am settling for this.


That must be one of the toughest conversations you can have with yourself.

If you fear average, you will never have it.