Saturday Shares.

Afternoon all,

From time to time, I will share what has my current attention.

It won't be every Saturday.

Just every Saturday I have something worth sharing.

There are now 111 subscribers within our community, my initial aim was 150.

There is no rush.

When we reach that milestone, I will share why that number was important.

Enough rambling.

Let's begin.



Bremer/McCoy. I am always on the lookout for music to write to. Andrew Paynter brought this to my attention.


Crucial Conversations. Tools for talking when the stakes are high. One thing I want to get better at is being able to have these conversations before I avoid having them. When I am reading a book, and it is good, I read it with a pen in hand. I will share my notes once I finish.


Mood. See how you feel. This app measures how you feel in colour. My mate Gareth had the initial idea and then worked with Marco to bring it to life. I use it every day, which is more than I can say for 99% of the apps I have bought.


I like this one which I heard for the first time this week.

" I always thought burnout happened when you work too much. Now I get it. It's investing emotionally and then not getting a return on that investment." @spamaps.


It was Clare's birthday recently, and we stayed in a great local hotel. The food, the wine, and the service were top drawer. So were their pillows. Hotels always do pillows well. So I took the cover off and found out where they got them from. It was a company called Tielle.